Julie has worked with JBK for over 10 years, providing facilitation, consulting, and design expertise to customers and clients. Julie’s role in the organization includes primary Instructional Designer on custom development projects and Senior Session Leader for many of the programs. Julie is the co-author of Selling Beyond the Product, Coaching for Sales Results, and Interviewing for Sales.
Before JBK, Julie sold Digital Equipment Corporation office automation products and worksystems, managed a sales team spanning multiple industries, and created and managed Digital’s office solutions demonstration center. As Sales Training Manager at Digital, she managed a staff responsible for training and development of 900 sales and technical support people (1/4 of the U.S.) on products, technologies, customers’ industries, sales skills, sales management, and interpersonal skills. Prior to Digital, she successfully sold for Exxon Office Systems.
Julie has created, customized, and conducted programs including selling and demonstration skills, account management, product training, new hire sales training, interviewing skills, coaching, and sales performance management. Julie’s specialty is collaborating with Sales and Marketing management to identify the behaviors that will result in improved sales performance and creating custom solutions.
Julie attended the University of Minnesota, St. Cloud, Minnesota.