How has the value-add of your product marketing efforts increased to support your more strategic, consultative and competitive selling processes?
Marketing Beyond the Product™ is a hands-on workshop experience in which participants actively learn to support the value-added, solutions selling process. Selling Beyond the Product is a learning experience that helps sales professionals learn to develop credibility through their due diligence and influence customers through their discovery process – differentiating themselves by the way they do business.
And yet, when that sales person turns around and looks to his or her marketing organization for support in this new manner of engaging with your customers, too often they find the same set of feature-dense, product-centric presentations and data-sheet sales collateral.
Interesting perhaps. But not what is needed to support the new behavior.
As some who study this issue have found,
“Marketing’s efforts to build a consistent, compelling brand experience are frequently undermined by salespeople pressing for the next deal, whereas sales people broadly view sales collateral and support materials as off-target. Aberdeen research suggests that in many B-to-B firms, as much as 25 percent of sales reps’ available selling time is spent searching for and assembling the information required for their sales calls, and as much as 70 percent of marketing’s investments in sales collateral are going unused…”
– Aberdeen Research, 2003
Marketing Beyond the Product was built specifically to enhance the product marketing organizations value in providing performance support to the demand creation, consultative sales process.
This working session is designed to provide a venue for your product marketing professionals to carefully consider – and then act on – their role in providing performance support to a field sales force trying to develop credible relationships, become trusted advisors, differentiate themselves and their offerings from the competitive alternatives, and command the margins that you need to maintain and extend your company’s competitive position in the marketplace.
Winning business in this market begs for a higher level of value from your marketing organization.
The performance support required by today’s sales force to efficiently and effectively create demand for your differentiated value goes beyond the product centric, feature dump of the past.
Marketing Beyond the Product will help your marketing team learn to add more direct value to the insight and information requirements of your more consultative, demand creating, sales process.