The Case Study:
The Challenge
Our client is responsible for training the manufacturing and field engineer groups of a major semiconductor production equipment manufacturer. These groups have built successful, long-term relationships with their fabrication partners through the course of many years. To maintain this success rate, the culture within these groups has had to embrace a world in which rapid and unpredictable change has become the norm. The challenge for the client was keeping the momentum going in the manufacturing group without sacrificing their consistent high-quality track record. Any sacrifice in quality could easily impact the momentum with the field engineers who are the frontline support to the customer.
The Solution
The company had a difficult time finding the right training product to fit the unique needs of these groups. For instance, the field engineers worked with the same customer day-in and day-out through the course of many years and in most cases lived “onsite” with the customer. The field engineers are an extremely intelligent and technical team of people. The fundamental content needed to appeal to their intellect before it would be accepted in order to impact their learning and performance in front of the customer. We sat down with the field engineers and even their customers and manufacturing and built a program around a product that met their specific needs.
We designed a custom version of our Making Service Work program that addressed the fundamental skill needs of the field engineers – people who are key to building customer satisfaction and loyalty among their customer base.
The Results
Since the program was first introduced, results have positively impacted the culture and motivation within the field engineering teams as well as improved the customer’s perception of service quality of the company.